National Council of Urban Indian Health Social Media Package

In 2021, we created a short video series with the National Council for Urban Indian Health. The campaign, centered around promoting a series of health tips for elders in the community, needed a far reach in order to be as impactful as possible.
We partnered with NCUIH throughout the video project and used imagery from their Alzheimer’s and Dementia awareness campaign to create the social media package you see above. The campaign was featured on their social media, email newsletters, and on their website, ensuring the message was available many times to community members.
NCUIH is “the national organization devoted to the support and development of quality, accessible, and culturally-competent health services for American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/ANs) living in urban settings.” You can read more about their work here, and see one of the videos from the ‘Help Wisdom Keepers Keep their Wisdom’ Campaign below.