WGL Energy Infographics

WGL Energy is a leader in competitive energy supply and environmentally-friendly energy technology solutions for residential, government, commercial and industrial customers. As a B Corp with a high focus on enviornmental sustainability, we’ve so enjoyed partnering with WGL many times over several years to produce a number of projects.
We’ve collaborated with WGL Energy on multiple videos, infographics and pamphlets. These infographics above were created using assets from these projects, and engagingly explain several different WGL initiatives including the Carbon Reduction and RECs programs, the Affinity Marketing program, and the “Going Green with WGL” initiative.
These infographics take WGL’s branding to the next level with flexible infographics to complement their custom whiteboard illustration and design. These infographics were handed out at trade shows, handed out to potential customers, and sent out in email campaigns.
“I have done several projects with NDA and have found all to be friendly, hard working, and care about my brand and how it is viewed by others.”
Yolanda GreenSupervisor, Marketing, WGL Energy