How does your Big Idea go from living inside your head – or a slide deck – to being an awesome animated video? How do we at Next Day Animations wrap our minds around all the research, critical thinking, team meetings, collaboration, and development you’ve already done, and turn them into an impactful video? Does it hurt when we extract the cool ideas out of your brain?? (It does not.)
Lucky for you (and for us), we have a tried and true process for taking great ideas and transforming them into videos.
It all starts with a Questionnaire that you fill out even before we start on your project – this helps us understand who we’re making the video for, where they might see it, and what we want them to do after they watch it.
Then we Kickoff your video over the phone – this is a chance to get to know each other, hear more about your Big Idea, and share some more details about how we work.
After your Kickoff Call, we start on Scripting. At the core of every video is a story – yours or your audience’s. Our collaborative scripting process, which typically involves three rounds of revisions, distills the emotional core of that story, as well as its most vital facts, so we can engage your audience in an authentic way.
On a Design Call, you’ll discuss preferences for voiceover artists, music styles, colors and visual style.
Once we’ve signed off on a script, we start in on Production of your video. This is the fun part where you really start to see your idea come to life as we combine your design preferences with the script and make it into a video. Production is also collaborative – we’ll share video drafts back and forth three times to get your input and edits, and then – voila – we’ll send you Final Files!
If you want, we’ll even work with you to make a plan for how to distribute your video and use it for maximum impact. And we can provide you with visual assets that compliment your video, to use on social media, in email signatures, or wherever else you want to share them.
We love feedback, and we’ll ask you at project milestones how we might make our process – and our products – better. (But you can share feedback any time!)
See? Not so painful. We’ve been making videos the same way for ten years (with a few process updates when we discover a better way of doing things), and at this point we’ve got it down to a science. Want to see a more in-depth breakdown of our process? Check out this handy dandy Process PDF.
Of course, the process is meaningless without one key element… your Big Idea! So if you’re ready to bring us the secret ingredient to an amazing animated explainer video (your cool product, process, service, or campaign) give us a call. We’re excited to start the process with you!