Grady Health Training Module


Company Culture Animated: Supporting HR, Training & Onboarding with Video

Project Brief

We partnered with Grady Health to create a series of videos designed to support learning & development for their employees in a way that truly spoke to – and stuck with – their team. They had a mission to create a flexible, easy-to-update tool that could be used again and again for training incoming staff.

In this series, familiar characters walk the audience through a number of situations and values, illuminating policies and best practices in an engaging and memorable way. Specializing in character animation, our producers, illustrators and scriptwriters partnered with Grady to understand their target audience; by shaping the illustrations and accompanying narration to suit the culture at Grady, these animations go a long way to enhancing training with impact.

Interactive elements like check-points, quizzes, and discussion questions bring trainings to life and bring audiences’ focus to the topic at hand. With the added potential of language translation, audio description, or subtitling, video-based learning means a high level of consistency, quality, and accessibility – every time. Check out more from this series here.

See similar work to the above Grady Health Training Module in our ‘Animations for Learning & Development’ Playlist.

You don’t have to choose:

Animation creates an engaging training, at an affordable cost.

Animation is perfect for hybrid learning and remote work. Video learning can be used to accommodate both hybrid and in person learners simultaneously, and even provide a point of interaction and team-building.

Video is a great choice for long-term ROI: the medium lends itself to easy updating to bring your content up to speed as the world – and your organization – change and grow. 

Learn more about: creating a Video Series

How do you know if a video series is right for you?

Some of our hints include: having more than one target audience, having a highly complex topic to explain, and having multiple pieces of content to share.

Learn more about creating a video series in our blog post.