Project Spotlight: Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation
Every once in awhile the stars align just so and the universe brings us a client that fits our own values and beliefs to a tee. To say that this type of client makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning and tell the world how amazing their work is wouldn’t really be an overstatement. This type of connection with a project makes the work feel seamless, affirming and just plain fun! If we’re sounding dramatic or over-the-top, just keep reading to see how cool this company is- you’ll be gushing too!
The dream client we’re talking about is the Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation (AVLF). The reason we’re so excited about this project is because we love what they do and what they stand for. Here at Next Day Animations we take pride in our videos that help nonprofit organizations tell their story, especially when that story is making social justice accessible to all. AVLF’s mission is to create safe and stable homes by inspiring to fight for equal justice in the Greater Atlanta area. They accomplish their mission by connecting qualified lawyers who want to do meaningful pro-bono work with low income families in need up legal help. They also run a variety of programs and facilities that provide the support and resources for their volunteer lawyers.
We created four short explainer animations for AVLF: a general overview of the organization and three other videos that outline various topics and programs. The company currently uses these video to share their message while recruiting new volunteers. One of the video takes an in-depth look at domestic abuse, an area of expertise for the organization, another talks specifically about housing equity. These videos are chock-full of useful, life saving information and assures viewers that AVLF is there to help.
Check out their website to learn more about this dream boat client! AVLF.org