We have exciting news! As of this summer, Next Day Animations has been recognized as a Certified SHEruns™ company. Our SHEruns™ mark indicates that at least 50% of our company’s leadership or management roles are held by women and/or gender diverse people.
We know we live in a world where equity is not the ‘default setting’ in the workplace. Systemic frameworks such as sexism, homophobia, and racism – as well as their intersections – regularly exclude certain communities from accessing the same opportunities as others. At Next Day Animations, we strive to dismantle those systems which keep us apart. Because telling a story that speaks to everyone requires listening to, and raising up, every voice.
That’s why this certification means so much to us. We’re proud that we’ve been women-run from the beginning, and grateful to have our amazing team of women in management and leadership honored by the SHEMark™. Resisting the traditionally masculine styles of leadership that can so often dominate the workplace, our collaborative, open culture allows people of all gender identities to lean into their unique strengths to gain leadership skills and take on management roles.
SHE – or the Syndicate for Human Equity, Inc. – certifies and celebrates companies that are currently living by the equitable future we imagine: using the standards that SHEMarks™ convey, SHE educates and empowers consumers to leverage their wallet as an extension of their values, harnessing their purchasing power to impact the global economy.
So, next time you’re in the market for something, look around for the SHEMarks™ and support the movement towards a gender equal future for all. And hey – if a stellar animation developed with equity in mind is what you’re in the market for…you know where to find us.