Are you sitting down? Have you eaten something recently? Are you breathing full, deep breaths? Ok. Drumroll, please.
We just launched a new product! We’re delighted to present to you: Illustrated Headshots. Maybe you’re thinking: Your go-to team for explainer animations and chicken knight adventures just got even better. Or maybe you’re thinking…
What is an illustrated headshot?
Answer: An awesome drawing of you. It embodies your brand and shows off your unique creativity. Check out a few examples below.
Why illustration?
Adaptable to branded colors.
Creates cohesive, professional look on staff pages.
Saves money! No need to hire a photographer year after year.
Looks great on business cards.
Matches the tone of your brand, whether casual and fun or formal and polished.
Shy about photos? Have more control over the final product.
Say more about yourself! Love cats and frisbee? We can draw that.
Hand-drawn look adds charm to your media.
Unique look helps you stand out.
Where can you use an illustrated headshot?
Email signature
Your website’s “Staff” page
Business cards
Editorial signatures
Social Media
Profile Pictures
Why is Next Day Animations doing THIS??
At Next Day Animations, we specialize in explainer animations, and human connection is the heart of our storytelling philosophy. Illustrated headshots, for us, feel like another way of making that connection (while using our mad drawing skills). They have the charm of human touch and the charm of your actual face. We hope you like them as much as we do.
Give us a call if you want to chat more! (202) 747-0404.