Whiteboard animations are just for marketing, right? Wrong! Animations are a great way to make internal communication captivating for your staff. Let’s walk through some common HR use case scenarios:
Scenario 1: Hiring/Orientation
Congrats! You’ve successfully hired someone. Now it’s your job to welcome and orient them to their new job.
The problem:
Paperwork, paperwork… did I mention paperwork? You want your new staff person to enjoy their first day of work, but it’s hard when there’s so many forms to fill out and policies to review. How do you make your new hire feel welcomed, informed, and excited?
How an animation can help:
An animation can’t magically make the pile of forms disappear from your new hire’s desk but… it can break up the process and reassure them that they’ve joined a great organization. A short HR animation welcoming new employees, perhaps reviewing your organization’s mission, vision and values can make the process feel less overwhelming and get them excited to start their new job.
Scenario 2: Training
Professional development is your bread and butter, and it’s time to plan your next training.
The problem:
You’ve used powerpoint one too many times and their eyes are glazing over. Your audience takes away some of what you’re saying, but many key points are lost on them. Or maybe you need new content for your company’s learning management system. No matter how you are sharing, you need your training to be educational, engaging, and memorable.
How an animation can help:
Incorporating animations into your training enables you to fully engage your staff. Animations can emphasize key points and visually explain ideas. Plus, they give you a break from talking for a few minutes and visually break up the monotony of powerpoint slides. Animations are also extremely flexible, working for multiple online platforms and adaptable for audiences around the world.
Scenario 3: Change in Protocol
A new policy has been implement by HQ, and it’s your job to let the people know.
The problem:
You could send an email… and hope everyone reads it. Or you can let everyone know individually… with all the extra time you have. You can plan an all-staff meeting, we all know how attentive people are during those! How do you share essential information with a large staff in a way that ensures retention?
How an animation can help:
Animations are a quick way to get important information across. Explain your company’s new policy in an animation and send it out to your staff. People will watch and retain the information at their desks, at their own time. Or schedule a quick meeting to screen the video and answer questions. The HR animation will capture their attention while keeping the meeting short, sweet, and helpful.
If any of those scenarios seem familiar to you, then you could probably use a whiteboard animation. Are you ready to step up your HR game? Give us a call.