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Localizing Your Global Message

By December 18, 2015March 17th, 2016Video-Based Learning, Marketing, Whiteboard Animation

The world we live in is getting more inter-connected every day. With the rise of the internet and social media, our networks of friends and colleagues are vast and varied! As a marketer, you might be expanding your audience to include international buyers. As an employer, you might need to design a training for a diverse staff from around the world. How do you make your message accessible to a diverse audience?

Whiteboard animations open up a realm of possibilities for cross-cultural marketing. They are a flexible visual medium which can speak volumes to people all over the globe.

Why are whiteboard animations so useful for localizing your global message?

Images are powerful for everyone

globe, global message, whiteboard You know the old saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words?” This is true no matter what country you are from are from or what language you speak. Whiteboard animations are full of compelling images that share powerful messages.

Voiceover can be translated to as many languages as you need

Need to share an animation with a multilingual audience? No worries! Animations can easily be translated into whatever language you need, so you can customize your video to your unique audience.

Easy to swap in culturally relevant images

If you think certain images will resonate with certain communities, it’s easy to swap images into an animation to make sure your message is as relevant as possible. For example, clothing and food can look very different across cultures. By swapping in appropriate images, your audience will be able to easily connect with the content of the video.

Animations are a flexible option if you need to communicate to people across cultures, because it’s so easy to customize the images and the narration to exactly who you are talking to. Plus, the visual nature of a whiteboard means they are something everyone can understand.

Looking to create a cross-cultural marketing campaign or training? We can help. Give us a call!

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