Gemma Irish
What is your title at Next Day Animations? Describe your work.
Scriptwriter – I write scripts for most of our animated videos, and I do some other writing like blog posts for the Next Day Animations website.
How long have you been at Next Day Animations?
About a month!
Have you ever met anyone famous?
I went to college in New York City, and Bebe Neuwirth was a regular customer at the card shop where I worked. (Yeah, I’m a theater nerd, and she was a big deal.)
What’s the best advice you’ve ever heard?
“It’s not about you!” This means two similar but different things to me. 1) When someone has feedback about your creative work or your job performance, they are not critiquing you as a person, they’re critiquing your work, and hopefully they are doing it to help you. But it’s never a judgment on you as a human being. 2) When someone reacts to something you do or say in a surprising or crappy way, guess what, it’s not about you – it’s almost always about what they are carrying around with them, what kind of day they are having, and what else is going on for them. That doesn’t mean you should dismiss what they are telling you, it just means… it’s not necessarily about you.
Do you have a favorite quote? What is it?
“If I can’t dance, I don’t want to be part of your revolution.” – Emma Goldman. There’s no reason that even very serious things can’t be a little bit fun.
Cats or dogs.
Name three words that you describe you.
Organized, Creative, Funny
What’s your favorite song?
There are too many. Currently I’m listening to Waxahatchee’s “Lilacs” and waiting for Spring to arrive in MN…
Favorite movie?
Ugh, I am not really a Movie Person, I think I knew too many mansplaining film buffs in college. Embarrassingly, I think I’ve seen all of the Bond films.
Describe your typical work day
Throw down a few paragraphs of a blog post, meet (virtually) with my team, get on a kickoff call with a client to learn a lot about something brand new to me really quickly, and then crank out a script or two!
We’re so glad to welcome Gemma to our team!