What’s your name?
Krystal Alexis
What is your title at Next Day Animations? Describe your work.
My title is Associate Producer. As of right now I am helping our many projects come to life by editing videos, providing commentary and learning the ropes on how to become the best lead producer I can be.
How long have you been at Next Day Animations?
I have been here for about 3 weeks now.
Have you ever met anyone famous?
Previously I was an event planner at my university so we would go to the NACA conference and book different types of talent so I have met Grammy award winners like Chrisette Michelle, contestants from the voice and a lot of Comedians! This week I got to (virtually) meet Steve Martino on a kickoff call who happened to be director and art director on some of my favorite animated films.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever heard?
Taking no risk is the biggest risk, Inhale Confidence Exhale Doubt
Do you have a favorite quote? What is it?
“Don’t quit your day dream” or ” Act well your part;there all honor lies”
Cats or dogs.
Name three words that you describe you.
Bubbly, Inventive and Creative
What’s your favorite song?
This is tough! It would have to be between Put your records on by Coryn Bailey or Like A Bird by Nelly Furtado
Favorite movie?
Bee Movie
Describe your typical work day:
In the morning I start off by seeing the lovely faces of the productions team in a meeting, since producers have multiple projects to work on and we have new clients every week, I see where I can help to make the process go smoother. Whether it’s video editing, sitting in on a call or giving insight; there is never a dull moment since we always have a cool variety of projects. Since we are very collaborative we are always checking in and helping each other figure things out. The amount of giggles throughout the day are a tally of a testament to our amazing problem solving and connection as a team working to make an amazing project come to life.