Last week, we gathered for our annual retreat in perhaps our snowiest location yet: Osceola, Wisconsin!
As a team from all over the country (and beyond), our annual retreat is the only time the whole team is gathered to work, plan, and spend quality time together. Team members from Minnesota, Maryland, California, Oregon, and Ontario came together for three jam-packed days of workshops, hikes, photo shoots, games, and more.
So what did we do?
- Explored our individual and team strengths using the Strengths Finder framework.
- Visioned plans for the future and how to keep growing and learning.
- Told stories and jokes around a roaring campfire in sub-zero temperatures.
- Spent time working at the Habitat For Humanity Restore as a part of our social and environmental initiative.
- Had a blast spending time together and generally reveling in each other’s awesomeness.
Overall, it was three days of hard work and big laughs. I could write more, but I’ll let these pictures speak for themselves.