For us, the work of our animation studio goes deeper than translating an idea into a video.
We’ve dedicated years to developing resources that help our clients’ deepen the connection to their vision, their audience, and the why behind what they do.
Because this month is B Corp Month, we are taking a step back and reflecting on how and why we go beyond.
Each year in March, over 6000 companies come together to celebrate their B Corp certification, our collective commitment to shifting the behavior, structure, and culture of capitalism.
Each of us on the team has individual issues we’re most passionate about. In fact, many of us at Next Day Animations are former non-profit staffers, and the same things that drew us to mission-driven work are what keep us driven here.
Creating explainer animations creates more opportunities to impact the world than one might think.
We believe in the missions of our nonprofit clients, and supporting them through our expertise and witness their success is honor and a joy. And while not every single project is mission-driven, the other projects help us remain sustainable and able to subsidize our work with nonprofits. It’s a win-win-win.
And the result is something so much deeper than just operating an animation studio. We’re getting the chance to come together everyday with incredible partners to truly make the world a better place.
How We Go Beyond
So we have a lofty goal of changing the world through our explainer animation studio at Next Day Animations. But how do we actually make it happen?
We go beyond the expected narrative.
Beyond providing a concrete deliverable (an explainer animation), our work has the power to transform how organizations communicate their message.
Our goal is to help you find the right words; the short and powerful story to capture the attention of your audience and cause a ripple effect of action.
Our in-house script writers work closely with our clients, right from kick-off, to understand your work as deeply as possible. We’ve often had clients tell us that the process of collaborating on their explainer video script actually improved their own ability to express their mission.
We go beyond traditional timelines.
We’ve supported the Voter Participation Center in creating tight-timeline animations for run-off elections. Check out some of our other Explainers for Animations in this playlist.
One of our superpowers in making an impact is our speed.
Our managing partner Jesse Austell’s grandfather was similarly dedicated to making change, and he would talk about “moments of opportunity” – the unexpected windows that briefly open up when change is easier to advance. These can be sparked by world events, celebrities bringing an issue to the spotlight, or even viral trends.
We can’t predict when they’ll come, but we know they will. By embracing this wisdom of acting quickly, we’ve created a service that can help with providing communication tools overnight, to help our clients seize their own windows of opportunity to impact the greater narrative.
We go beyond for our community.
As an organization, we strive to make positive change in our communities and the world. In 2016, we launched the Illustrating Awesomeness Scholarship and Animations to Change the World Grant.
Since then, we’ve awarded more than 10 whiteboard explainer videos to deserving non-profits, and provided over $20,000 in scholarship support to inspiring young students with visions to change the world.
In fact, the 7th iteration of our Animations to Change the World Grant is coming up this Spring, and applications open on April 3rd 2023. Check out videos from our past winners here.
We go beyond for our people.
We don’t only “go beyond” through our work itself, but also through how we work: With dedication to treating all clients and collaborators with integrity, respect, and authenticity. We center our values of partnership, clarity, inventiveness and authenticity throughout our days because we believe in these values and the power they have to foster a better world.
As an employer, we work to support our staff’s well-being, whether through wellness offerings, professional development opportunities, supportive management and expanded benefits every year. We offer lots of common benefits (like sick leave, PTO, health care reimbursements, an Employee Assistance Program), but have invented plenty of our own, too, including things like:
- annual bike-tune up reimbursements
- daily paid time off for nursing parents
- paid time off for civic engagement
- zero-interest small loan repayment assistance.
Read more about how our values shape our workplace culture.
The B Corp process has been an incredible roadmap for greater ways to put our values in action, and we’re grateful to be a part of the larger B Corp community. We know that we’re lucky to be doing good work and we’re excited to see how our value-based adventures will evolve and deepen over time.
Want to partner with us?
We’ve got 12 years of experience making animated explainers for your mission – and going above and beyond for our clients.
Click the button below to send a message to our friendly client advisors – they will be in touch soon!
These images are from a series of Instagram posts called #ReviewRoundup!
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