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18 Awesome Ways to Use Your Animation

Title graphic reads 18 Awesome Ways to Use Your Animation; Next Day Animations logos are in the turquoise and red background along with a hand drawn black and white scene of a family giggling and playing together happily.

Congratulations! You’ve done it. Your Big Idea has transformed into a persuasive, visually stunning explainer video.

Now comes the exciting part—delivering impact with your video means making sure it gets seen… and by the right people. If you don’t have a good rollout plan and no one actually sees it, what was all that time and effort for? 

Our fourteen years of expertise in video production extends far past final file delivery. Allow us to offer some strategic insights on how to get the most out of your shiny new video.

Supercharge Sales & Development

Your animation isn’t just content. It’s a conversation starter. Here’s three ideas that help your video do the talking:

  • Send ahead of meetings and presentations: Make a powerful first impression by sending your video before an in-person pitch. Let your animation introduce you and your key points before you walk into the room.
  • Include animation in proposals: Drive home your value by embedding your animation into proposals. The clear, engaging visuals can be the deciding factor in winning over potential clients – especially in today’s oversaturated market.
  • Move leads down funnel with a video on featured landing pages: Instead of a text-heavy page, place your video front and center anywhere you drive leads. A dynamic explainer video with a bold call to action will help potential clients take action, making your offer stand out – and convert! This article from expert Neil Patel cites a conversion rate increase of 80% for landing pages that include video, among other incredible conversion statistics!
an animated logo consisting of a jovial bouncing ball completing a community

Used in email signatures and across sales outreach, this animated logo we created for UpTogether helps their pitch stand out.

  • Increase ROI by targeting a variety of consumer profiles: Animation can be tailored to fit the specific needs of any audience. For instance, if your business caters to both children and adults, you can create distinct animated content that appeals to each demographic within the same project scope. We even offer discounts for bundled projects that include multiple videos – get a quote from our client advisors here.

Go Viral on Social Media

We don’t have to tell you about the huge impact social media can have for brands and organizations. With the potential for huge impact, though, comes an increasingly fierce battle for attention.

Check out our expert ideas for helping your animation go far using socials:

  • Optimize your content to share widely AND wisely: All platforms are not created equally, and it takes time and effort to create a cohesive campaign across socials. Making sure your video looks sharp and fits each platform’s unique specifications will ensure it looks professional, and captures attention. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with custom video reformatting and resizing.
  • Increase impact with an animated video series: Each platform may have unique graphic specifications, but one thing they ALL reward handsomely is an active account. Consider turning your single animation into a series that allows for a deeper dive into each of your video’s highlights. Multiple touchpoints bolsters your content calendar and supports the consistent activity of your social media accounts.
  • Bring your animation to global feeds with hashtags: While it might seem basic, the only way to compete with the heavy barrage of content is to take advantage of embedded engagement features like hashtagging. Consider the most important keywords of your message, along with the groups that you most want your message to reach, and be sure to target these focuses with hashtags.

We designed this custom animation in both a wide format (16:9 aspect ratio) and a reel-sized format (9:16 aspect ratio) to support North Country Rural Development Coalition sharing their video across platforms.

Advertise for More Eyes!

Ready to reach even more people? Incorporate your animation into your advertising efforts:

  • Pay to promote your video: These days, there are tons of advertising options to support your decision to promote your animation. Consider paying to play on social media platforms with Meta Advertising, or, utilize your video as a pre-roll advertisement on Youtube to help more viewers see your message!
  • Turn potential into power with a full-blown advertising campaign:  Our expert graphic designers can utilize the art from your videos to create entire graphic campaigns around your messaging. In this example with the Voter Participation Center, we created the below banner ads to complement their video in a retargeting ad campaign to get out the vote!

Liven Up Trainings & Events with Video

Explainer videos take an event to the next level – whether it’s a fundraising gala, a training for new staff, or the annual conference of pizza professionals (yep, that exists).

Bring trainings to life with interactive elements like check-points, quizzes, and discussion questions embedded into videos.

  • Bring video to training or professional development: Think of animated training videos as ‘edutainment’. Great training videos engage employees and bring your content to life, using a medium that is both flexible and stylistically versatile.  We’ve been known to get really creative with the ways you can build your lesson around animation, like this example – featuring interactive elements – from Grady Health.
  • Replace your fundraising pitch with a heartfelt animation: Some of the most important fundraising of the year happens at events. Donors treasure these periodic opportunities to check in and get inspired. Want to inpire them to dive deeper into your cause? An animation is a sincere and highly digestable medium for presenting a financial call to action.
  • Video as the focal point during conferences & trade shows: Capture attention by playing your video on loop at your booth or during presentations. Your animation will draw in crowds and clearly communicate your key points in a memorable way.
  • Make a big announcement:  Video is a compelling way to communicate key messages, instilling confidence and optimism as stakeholders embark on new chapters. In this example with the Schenck School, we blended animation with live footage to transform what could’ve been a mundane staffing update into a thrilling, delightful opportunity to connect with the school community. See more from this project here.

Featuring real people in a dynamic, conversational format, spokesperson animation videos bring a genuine touch to your message. Ideal for testimonials, case studies, and expert interviews, they make your audience feel like they’re part of the discussion.

Enhance Your Image: Video for Your Website and Email Outreach

Your animation can do more than just entertain—it can strategically enhance key touchpoints in your communication and online presence:

  • Build video into your homepage to skyrocket conversions: conversions happen when a user interacts with your company in a specific, desired way – such as filling out a form, making a purchase, or registering for a club or event.  Animated video has been proven to raise the conversion rate by reducing user bounce, and increasing trust.
  • Animate your email signature: Make every email a chance to showcase your brand by linking your animation in your signature. It’s a subtle yet effective way to drive views and engagement with every message you send.
  • Promote inclusivity and accessibility with video: When your audience is spread across the country or globe, or coming to your information from different backgrounds, it’s important that you communicate with them in a way they understand and that feels authentic. We proudly offer full translation packages for videos created in our studio, for both common and rare languages. By prioritizing accessibility, you not only broaden your reach but also contribute to a more inclusive digital environment.

Over fourteen years, we’ve supported our clients in representing various accents and dialects, and are committed to offering accessible subtitles for free with all of our projects.

  • Create segmented email campaigns for different customer profiles: Tailoring your email content to specific segments—whether by interests, industry, or buyer stage—will improve engagement. You might even consider personalizing your explainer video animations for each group. Thoughtful, targeted scripting and imagery shows them that the content is relevant and designed with their needs in mind which increases trust – and conversions!

These are just a few ideas to get you started. Do you have other ideas for sharing your explainer animation? Let us know!

Give us a call for a free consultation.
(202) 747-0404

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